Wednesday, November 3, 2010

down (!)

arrrgghhh (!)

'i lost in my own world. someone please make me happy. i cant pretend that i dont see this. its too hurt. so are you listening? so are you watching me? its really not your fault. but. i keep blaming you. because i love you. oh my god. i hate when it be like this. i cant decide whats right. well i guess i'll make my own way. and i dont wanna hear your sad songs because were not the same. im just a stranger. so go awayy. remember ! im not the same person from your memory. its the past. now im different.'

haih,tuu laa yg aku nk ckp sgt smlm. eish smlm aku jdy xtahwan sbb hg laa. aku trus dmam sbb hg laa. dah ckop risau aku kt hg tmbh dgn this fucking shit thing pulak. you know what, i think you are playing with me. yess,im not afraid of you anymore. please. aku malas dah nk pkir smua bnda nie. byk lg aku nk kna pkir. its up to you. buat laa apa nk buat. aku xkisah ( even masih kisah lg ) sbb apa? sbb aku syg hg laa. hebat hg nohh.

haa aku menangis lg. 'you gave your lips,a gentle kiss' huh. rasa mcm bodoh smua nie. aku xmau dah apa apa lg dry hg. i gave you my heart but you throw it like a glass broke into thousand pieces. whats for i say goodbye to you,things happen but we dont really know what. yess,i want to run away from everything and go to the safe place. please,say that you hate me and everything will be fine.

the truth is hiding in your eyes. and its hanging on your tongue. what kind of man that you are. if youre a man at all. well i figure this one out, on my own. im screaming ' i love you so!'

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